Collaborations are another pathway to achieve your amicable separation.
Collaborations are another pathway to achieve your amicable separation.
What is Collaboration?
Separating couples are represented by their own individual lawyers, who are both trained Collaborative Lawyers.
– Grown-ups work together with their skilled experiences lawyers guiding you through
– Outcome focused
– Family focused
– Look for ways to move everyone to a new beginning.
What does Collaborative Divorce look like?
– Separating partners and lawyers sit around a table together discussing relevant items
– Your lawyer works together with your separating partners lawyer to try and reach a mutual outcome.
– Other advisors can be included, such as accountants, financial advisors, counsellors and psychologists.
Who are the Lawyers?
Our experienced Collaborative Lawyers are Barry Berger and Leon Berger.
Why Choose Collaborative Divorce?
When you want to keep the best version of yourself intact but want a lawyer at your side this is for you.
Collaboration works when both separating partners are on the same page with a focus on open respectful discussions. If you are looking for, or need, litigation, adversarial representation, or want to ‘fight it out’, this approach is not for you.
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