Family Dispute Resolution (FDR)
If you need help applying for a divorce, we would be happy to help you understand what you need to do.
If you need help applying for a divorce, we would be happy to help you understand what you need to do.
Family mediation is a great way to:
FDR is also a Court ordered mediation prior to continuing with your legal application with the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.
Link to the: Family Law Act
If you or your separating partner has started the legal process with your lawyers, the Courts require you to attend compulsory Family Dispute Resolution mediation, before you can make an application to the Federal Circuit and Family Court for parenting (custody) or financial orders.
We can help.
There are some exceptions to compulsory Family Dispute Resolution, such as when there are issues like domestic violence or abuse and a safe environment cannot be provided.
What is FDR?
Separating couples are required by the courts to attend a Family Dispute Resolution (“FDR”) prior to starting their legal case in court.
What does FDR look like?
– The FDR Mediator …..Separating partners sit around a table together discussing relevant items about their Financial Separation +/- their Parenting Separation Plan
– Your FDR Mediator works together with you and your separating partner to try and reach a mutual decisions on your Financial +/- Parenting issues
– Other advisors can be included, such as accountants, financial advisors, counsellors and psychologists
Who are the Lawyers?
Our experienced FDR Mediator – Leon Berger, guides you through the steps required to try to reach agreement on financial separation details +/- positive co-parenting details.
Why choose FDR?
If you are proceeding down the Lawyer vs Lawyer path, then FDR is not chosen. It is a Federal Circuit and Family
Court of Australia’s must do item before you can proceed further with your Legal proceedings to separate.